I closed my practice effective July 31, 2017, and will no longer be seeing clients. I have enjoyed practicing
psychotherapy for the past 40 years. Thank you for the trust you have given me over the course of your care.
- Contact information for former clients concerning patient records my be made by email (Email Mary)
- Resources: Visit these websites for the “Find a Therapist” section:
- www.aasect.org - American Assn. Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists
- www.sstar.org - The Society for Sex Therapy and Research
- www.nva.org - The National Vulvodynia Association (specialists for treatment of vaginismus and painful sex).
Contact your healthcare insurer for a list of in-network providers
- https://therapists.psychologytoday.com - Psychology Today magazine
- You may look up the licensing status, background and history of these potential therapists on the
California Board of Behavioral Sciences website: www.bbs.ca.gov/.
For acute or emergency care by going to the local emergency room, dialing 911 or calling the crisis hotline at
Thank you
Mary M Buxton LCSW, Inc.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker #LCS 7780 Email Mary
